
Today's jacket...

...where all the different Knepp pieces are used :
1 BANAN, 2 RUTA, 2 PRICK and 2 SMÅKNEPP  -pieces, buttoned up with 46 buttons.

'KNEPP shoulder'
back view


A more loose jacket

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.

The jacket, buttoned up with 1 BANAN, 4 PRICK and 2 SMÅKNEPP pieces, 48 buttons.
Notice that the sleeves are buttoned up at the 'other direction' which gives the sleeves more width (...and a fold for elbows)
KNEPP shoulders


A slightly longer jacket

A variation of yesterday's jacket. Here red side out and with 2 shoulder KNEPP pieces which make it slightly longer. The jacket is buttoned up with 5 PRICK and 2 SMÅKNEPP pieces, 46 buttons
'shoulder KNEPP'


Sunniva in her new jacket

back view
with the logo inside
Jacket buttoned up with 5 PRICK pieces and 1 SMÅKNEPP piece - 42 buttons.

Sunniva pianist accordionist singer...
in her new Knepp jacket ,which she is going to wear when she performs her music.
Have a look at her homepage: www.sunnivabrynnel.com


tight sweater S with wide sleeves...

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.
               ...buttoned up with 4 PRICK pieces and 30 buttons
                                            back view        


Jacket size L

You can buy this garment in theWebshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.

Jacket buttoned up with 3 BANAN pieces and 2 RUTA pieces 41 buttons

Jacket from the back
 Up the jacket is enhanced with a leather triangle


Knepp can be unpatterned also...

Tunic made up with 6 pink PRICK pieces, without any pattern (4 for the skirt and 2 for the sleeves) and 7 SMÅKNEPP pieces (5pink + 2 yellow - for the cuffs) buttoned up with lots of red buttons! A piece of pink hand-crocheted band as decoration at the front.

back view


Make folds!

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.
seen from the back
Vest and skirt buttoned up with 7 PRICK pieces and about 50 buttons.