
Short jacket

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.
Jacket buttoned up with 6 RUTA pieces


cape and hat

You can buy this garment
in the Webshop. Order the pieces
and I will button up the garment for you
Round cape buttoned up with 4 PRICKpieces
                                      (+1 extra for the hat)


An interesting KNEPP garment

 5 RUTA pieces and a piece of
buttonhole elastic makes an
interesting garment
seen from the back

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


dancers photographed in KNEPP

White small KNEPP pieces together with anti-slip material, which has holes and is good for snapping. Small flower decorations and buttonhole elastic are used for braces.
(2 red pieces like RUTA pieces in size for the skirt)