
Happy New Year!

Party tonight and nothing to wear? But after half an hour buttoning: Thank heavens for KNEPP!     Dress buttoned up with 4 BANAN pieces and about 40 buttons

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


simple top

17 buttons...  seen from the back
buttoned up with 2 RUTA & 4 SMÅKNEPP pieces

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


Best Whishes

Merry Christmas  Joyeux Nöel  Frohe Weinachten  Hyvää Joulua  с Рождеством

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.



corset buttoned up by 3 Ruta and
... 2 Småknepp pieces, 18 buttons

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


1 BANAN & 6 buttons

1. Buttoned up like a tube

2. Buttoned up like a hood

Buttoned up diagonally ( and black side out)

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


X-mas party


You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.             3 PRICK pieces and 30 buttons, with carpet antislip material as bra and buttonhole elastic band as braces                                                           


Nobel dress Knepp-princess-version

2 BANAN+1 striped RUTA(as a RUTA piece in shape and price) + 1 SMÅKNEPP piece and 58 buttons...with carpet antislip material as bra and buttonhole elastic band for braces and the back buttoning.
Cinderella shoe
Side and backview

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


Last year´s Nobel party dress

70 SMÅKNEPP pieces and 144 buttons

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


Same pullower but buttoned differently

2 BANAN+ 2 PRICK pieces 38 buttons


sleeve buttoning
                                              Nice fit!           You can buy this garment in  the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.                                                 


Lots of snow here

(2 BANAN + 2 PRICK pieces + 38 buttons)
You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


KNEPP Joker hat

Christina - a member of KNEPP - here wearing a tuff KNEPP joker hat, 1 PRICK piece and 9 buttons
...from above ( and from below)
 hat from the back...

You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.
 for everyday use she however prefers her blue Knepp RUTA hat! You can be a member too.


Hat with removable Santa beard

1 PRICK piece and 12 buttons

Mila has tried it!
You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.


Myskväll, Forum Vänersborgs stad, 29/12 och Ullrikamodeller

I morgon kl.16-20 Glöggmys på innergården hos Ullrikamodeller, hantverkare mm. och KNEPPmössor Välkommen!
Iréne i den senaste Dagens KNEPP mössan

Nice Hat

1 PRICK piece and 8 buttons

                       You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.



You can buy this garment in the Webshop. Order the pieces and I will button up the garment for you.                                                                        2 SMÅKNEPP pieces, 10 buttons and 3 Knepp feltflowers, buttoned up on buttonhole elastic band.